Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lets Party With Jesus!!!

Many of you out there who are going to read this know my religious stance (or rather, a lack thereof) and you may question me about my motivation to celebrate this holiday. In fact, due to my open stance against religion, you may view me as a hypocrite for celebrating this holiday and accepting my paid vacation. And some of you just really don't give a shit either way. Regardless, I'm going to write about this.

I'll say this just as I've always said it: No matter what religion (or lack of religion) you are, you'd be kind of a heartless bastard if you thought Jesus wasn't a cool dude. The guy preached about peace and equality, charity and kindness. His views were unwavering, even in the face of pain and death. And regardless of whether there is a higher power or not, the guy died TRULY believing that he was helping everyone out- even the guys killing him. So really, he got a pretty raw deal. But the things he taught and the charity of his life are all pretty cool if you ask me. I mean, the guy stood up to the roman empire; Talk about some brass balls. And on top of that, he had long rockstar hair and wore sandals pretty much constantly. Sounds like my kind of guy, especially since he had a healthy appreciation of wine. Now, I may think he was a bit delusional and a lot of the stories about him were probably fabricated by men with personal agendas hundreds of years after his death, It doesn't negate the fact that he was a solid dude.

That brings me to my next point: Dear Modern-Day Christians, quit being such assholes. Seriously, the rest of us are truly fed up with it. Do you remember those WWJD (what would Jesus do) bracelets everyone wore in the 90's? You guys need to start wearing those again, but actually ask yourselves that question on a regular basis.

Would Jesus be hateful towards homosexual people trying to marry?
Would Jesus be hateful towards people for sex outside of wedlock?
Would Jesus live in a huge house in a private community and look down on poor people?
Would Jesus shame people for not worshipping in a Church every Sunday?
Would Jesus scoff people for not looking like he wants them to?

Basically, do you think Jesus would be as condescending as so many present day Christians really are? Do you think he would be fine with how you run your life now? With how you value money over anything else? With your resentment towards people who don't hold the same beliefs as you?

All I'm saying is why don't you start leading by example? If you truly believe in this shit (and you're not just treating your 'faith' as an insurance policy for your soul when you die) then start living out the things you talk about. Practice what you preach. You know, kindness and equality for EVERYONE. Then practice true forgiveness on top of that. Somehow I think that if Jesus was around today, he'd be pretty damn sad about what Christianity has turned into. Because I know that most of my atheist/agnostic friends and family live a hell of a lot more "Christ-Like" than my Christian friends do, and that's saying something.

So in closing, Merry Christmas to all of my friends, and to those of you who are not yet my friends. I plan on celebrating the season of giving, and celebrating this cool dude named Jesus who was a really nice guy, even if he was a bit off his rocker. And to all you BAD Christians out there being assholes, (excluding those being GOOD Christians) -just quit being such shitheads already. You suck.

(Post Script- I know some of my Christian friends out here will probably see this as some sort of attack, when it isn't. If you're actually living your life "Christ-Like" than you can see that none of this is aimed at you. That said, if you still feel that it's an attack on you, then maybe you should check yourself to see whether this agnostic free-thinking guy is living a more Christ-Like life than you are.)