Wednesday, March 16, 2011


They told me I'm too slow.
They tell me I'm too old.
They tell me to give it up.
They tell me to slow down.
I've had a torn ACL and two knee surgeries.
I've had runner's knee, jumper's knee;
An impinged rotator cuff.
I shattered two bones in my right foot.
I've pulled more muscles than you can imagine.
I've strained more tendons than I care to think about.
I've dealt with injury time, and every time, I've bounced back.
I've trained more than ten years for this.
I've spent more time and money than I care to admit.
I've studied, trained, studied and trained some more.
Honestly, I want it more than you do.

So every bar I clear, every new personal record I set, every meet I'm healthy for...
Every time I get up from the vault mats and scream out of passion...
That's how I say "FUCK YOU" to anyone and anything that has ever tried to hold me back.
And it's sincere. Try and hold me back? Go fuck yourself.

Because you can do anything you want to try and stop me. Go on, try to stop me, I dare you. Hell, you might even succeed in bringing me to the ground. You might even kill me, you might be the thing that finally takes me down. But I swear on everything I hold dear and every fiber in my being, I will fight you with every last heartbeat until it beats no more. I will make you bleed, I will bring you agony. And when I finally go down, when I'm finally unable to do any more... The very last thing you will hear from me is a triumphant scream from the depth of my soul... And the very last thing you will see is my middle finger held high. So bring it on.


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